Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Words are Powerful

            In my opinion, powerful words are the ones that are going to make an impact on the individuals in which you are speaking to. These words can be negative as well as positive. For example, the word “hate” is a strong and powerful word when used throughout communication. If you were to say, “I hate her” or “I hate you!” the other person knows exactly what you are trying to get across. The message you are sending is that you seriously dislike that person and are not friends with them on any level. The receiver is able to understand this right away without having to put much thought into it. If you were to say, “I like her but not all the time”, this would give the receiver the idea that you may dislike her sometimes, but you are still able to handle her and may even be friendly with her to a certain extent. The first example and the second show that saying two different things can mean two separate ideas. Powerful words are ones that do not cause any confusion; they are straight forward.
            Curse words can additionally be considered strong and powerful. Although they are negative words, they send a clear message to the other person that something is wrong. I had an instance where one of my close friends and I were verbally arguing. I always avoid using these words because using them at any level can be degrading and unnecessary in my opinion. However, my friend did use curse words to get her point across. At that time I was very upset and hurt to know that someone would even have to express themselves in such a manner. There are other ways to express what you are trying to say, and using those words are irrelevant to any conversation. There is always a way to use words that will not put other people down and make them feel uncomfortable. Even though the words were not content appropriate, they were still powerful through communication; leaving an affect on the receiver. Powerful words can be good or bad and work well in certain situations. They are used to specifically get your message across through communication, leaving the receiver to clearly understand the message that you are sending.

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